The S.T.A.R. Program

12 Modules for Chiropractic Office Management training

Managing and Leading
Being or Becoming a Leader
Organizing. Matching People to Tasks.
Decision Making: Individual or Group Process
Managing Conflict

The Role of a Chiropractic Office Manager
Study and Assess Problems. Your Roll with the Doctor
Power: What it is – How to Get It. Business Plan of Operation
Managing Your Time

Statistical Management and Goal Setting
Assigning Stats Based on Desired Outcomes
Monitoring Stats
Generating Reports for the Doctor

Training Your Staff about Chiropractic and Healthcare Terminology

Compliance (2 modules)
Establishing a Compliance Program
HIPAA, OIG Rules on Fraud and Abuse, and Medicare
Surviving an Audit

Personnel Management (2 modules)
Federal Rules for Employee Record Keeping. Statues Overview.
Staff Assignments and Preparing Job Descriptions
Recruiting, Hiring, Training. Disciplining and Terminating Staff
Writing an Employee Handbook. Conducting Staff Office Meetings

Practice Enhancement
The Approach to a Marketing Plan
Practice Building Guidelines
Expand Market Depth, Share, and Breadth
Three Secrets to Marketing
Utilizing Network Marketing and Social Media

Healthcare Law and Ethics
Law and the Practice of Chiropractic
The doctor-patient relationship
Patient Record Documentation, Organization and Maintenance

Revenue Management (2 Modules)
Paying Bills, Purchasing, and Vendor Relationships
Billing and Collections Legal Requirements
Insurance Collection Follow-Up System
Understanding Medicare Basic Principles and Documentation
Workers Compensation and Managed Care
Budgeting and Forecasting, Banking
Accounts Receivable Auditing

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